Wild, Wonderful Love

Relationship retreat

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The next Wild, Wonderful Relationship Retreat will be happening on Saturday, September 16 and Sunday, September 17 at Bluemont Hotel in Manhattan, KS. This is our second retreat of 2023, and we are so excited to offer this experience again! Learn more about the retreat on this page, or check out our schedule for more details.

 have some changes to announce that we are sure you will love! We have added several more hours worth of interactive material, plus a new segment called Communicating for Connection (brought to you by our guest presenter). Our previous retreat clients shared that they especially enjoyed our content about Attachment Styles, so we will be sharing more about that this time as well. We are also upgrading this experience by hosting an exclusive social hour complete with dinner and games at Goolsby's! This retreat will be providing a massive value. It will be educational, meaningful, and a lot of fun! We hope to see you there. 

About the Retreat

A quick note from Andrews & Associates...

Is this retreat for you?

The Wild, Wonderful Love Relationship Retreat is right for you if:

If you fit the description above, you may have realized something that nobody really talks about.
Relationships can be great, but they can also feel like hard work. Why is that?

You are in a steady relationship (regardless of how long you’ve been together or how you label your relationship e.g. dating, engaged, married, etc.)

You might have your ups and downs (but your relationship is not currently in crisis)

You both want to make your relationship work

You want a deeper connection but feel that something is missing

You love and care about each other

Love is not enough...

There is a common belief that if partners could just love each other enough, that would be enough to make things work. As well-meaning as that sentiment might sound, the reality is so much more complex! Loving someone is not enough to make it work, and love alone will not necessarily make the two of you happy. Think of your relationship like a home. Love is an essential part of a relationship, but more than love is needed to build a strong foundation. And the quality of the house you build on top of that foundation depends on your supplies, your tools, your effort, the reinforcements you use, and the maintenance you put into it. It’s a big job.

When it comes to relationships, most people are “winging it.” But that's like building a house without a plan, without the right tools, or without understanding the things that are crucial for structural integrity. It’s often within these types of structures that couples become complacent or dissatisfied. They fall into a rut – whether out of habit, comfort, or necessity – and eventually feel that the desire and connection they really want is slipping away, or falling apart. And that’s too bad because when the right things ARE in place, it can make for an extremely fulfilling and rewarding relationship.

Is "good enough" ever really enough?

You don’t have to settle for “good enough” in the way you relate to one another. This is your life, and it’s okay to want better for yourself, your partner, and your relationship! You both deserve to feel like you are “coming home” to a person who gets you, and who you understand too.

Your relationship is worth investing in, but it takes effort! This includes identifying what helps, what doesn’t help, making changes where needed, and reworking how you relate to each other as part of the process. But most couples are busy. Figuring out how to make beneficial, realistic, and lasting changes can be challenging to do on your own. Of course, therapy is always option, but we understand if that is a journey you may not feel quite ready for. Another option is to take a couples retreat. A retreat is a quick, accessible, and cost-effective way for couples to get the relationship support they desire.

A retreat can be a good choice for couples who could use a quicker boost to support their relationship – something that can help get them on the right path regardless of whether they decide to pursue therapy. Retreats can also enhance results for those who are currently in therapy or provide a refresher for couples who have "graduated" from therapy.

Couples retreats serve to develop skills that reinforce and enhance relationships by providing condensed information and targeted activities that help empower couples to bring change into their lives. Taking the opportunity to go on a relationship retreat together can be a valuable and meaningful experience that is a great option for many couples!

What makes this retreat special

So what makes the Wild, Wonderful Love Relationship Retreat special? This retreat will offer you straightforward ways to build and maintain a healthy relationship and demystify how to make your life as a couple more fulfilling. It will take away the guesswork so your relationship can thrive.

Andrews & Associates Counseling is pulling together over 40 years of field experience and top research to present this retreat. We will reveal what you need to know to keep your relationship happy, fulfilling, stable, and strong. 

During this interactive and information-packed retreat, we will dive deep into the heart of relationships by exploring:

Self-Awareness & Attachment Styles

Safety, Trust, & Vulnerability

And More!

Conflict Communication

Roles & Responsibilities

Communicating for Connection

Intimacy & Sex

Many of the core topics and skills that we will share during this retreat are equivalent to what is typically introduced over a period of 6 months in traditional couples therapy. It's quite a lot of information, but all this will be broken down for you! Our panel of experts are ready to guide you each step of the way. We will work hard to create a space where you can absorb the things you learn and begin putting your new skills into practice both as individuals, and as a couple.

Get tickets

Wild, Wonderful Love

Relationship retreat

take this opportunity

By attending the Wild, Wonderful Love Relationship Retreat, you will:

About the presenters →

View the full schedule →

Read our FAQs →

Come away with an understanding of what works in your relationship, what could use improvement, and how to move forward

Gain new skills and fresh perspectives about yourself and your partner that can help you overcome barriers

Access support from professionals in real-time as you learn and grow

Meet and connect with other couples who are on their own journey of improvement

Learn powerful ways to enhance your relationship using proven strategies

See what's included →

- d. + m.

The Wild, Wonderful Love Relationship Retreat was an AMAZING experience for us!

It helped us understand each other on a deeper level. As our relationship progresses, we have each individually changed in so many ways, and this retreat really helped with sparking new ideas and conversations regarding our relationship.

A lot of the talking points were so relatable and familiar to us, it was validating to know that we aren't alone.

- Laura + Neil

We knew we were struggling, but we didn't know how bad or how to fix it. We have been married 24 years and been through many traumas. We were miserable. We have the right tools now. Thank GOD for Stephanie and this team who saved us from ourselves.

We also had no idea that EACH OF US was responsible, and how our past relationships with family affected us so much. Stephanie and the other therapists gave us 6 months of therapy in one weekend! Everyone in any relationship should go!!!

What past clients have to say